Black Bean Soup

Black Bean Soup

A hearty, satisfying soup that is perfect for cool weather, but is served all year round in the Caribbean! 


6 Cups Water

12 Ounces (2 Cups) dry Black Beans (Don’t use canned beans or your soup will be an ugly gray)

1 rib Fennel, also known as Anise, roughly chopped

4 oz. Chorizo Sausage, casing removed

1 small Onion, diced

1 ½ teaspoon Salt

½ teaspoon Garlic Powder

½ teaspoon dried Cumin

1/8 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper (if you like it spicy, use ¼ -½ tsp. Remember, you can add more later, but you cannot take it out!)

Optional Toppings:

CannonBelles Queso Fresco, grated

Sour Cream

Chopped Onion

Hot Sauce



Place the beans in a medium sized pot and cover with 6 cups of water. Remove any beans that float. Over high heat, bring the beans to a boil, stirring occasionally. When it starts to boil, add the remaining ingredients, then reduce the heat to a simmer, low. Simmer until the beans are fully tender, about 2 to 2 ½ hours.

Use an immersion blender to coarsely puree the soup, or puree in batches using a food processor or blender. Add water if necessary to make it a medium thick consistency. Taste it and season with salt as necessary. Put lots of CannonBelles Queso Fresco on top along with any other toppings and enjoy! At our house, to make it a meal, we put a scoop of rice in the bottom of the bowl and put the soup and cheese on top!


P.S. If you have leftovers, don’t be surprised if you need to add a bit of water as you reheat it to get the consistency right again. It seems that after the beans are pureed, even though they were soft and tender, they absorb more moisture. Who knew!