

Another great way to use Queso Fresco! Generally, people use Salsa Verde (green sauce) for chicken, and red enchilada sauce for beef, but it’s your kitchen, do whatever you want!


1 pound cooked ground beef or shredded chicken

12 flour tortillas, 10 inches (or so)

About 2 cups of Salsa Verde or Red Enchilada Sauce, divided into thirds

1 pound CannonBelles Queso Fresco cheese, grated



If possible, use a glass 9 X 13 pan. Aluminum pans will degrade and begin to dissolve with acidic liquids…like enchilada sauce.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees with the oven rack in the middle. Put enough sauce in the bottom of your 9 X 13 pan to lightly cover it.

Add about ½ cup of enchilada sauce to your meat, and cook until the texture is like that of a Sloppy Joe. Divide your meat into 12 equal portions. 1 at a time, put the meat in a tortilla, add an equal amount of CannonBelles Queso Fresco, roll it up and place it in the pan. Repeat 11 more times.

As evenly as possible, spread the remaining sauce on top of the rolled up tortillas, then sprinkle the remaining Queso Fresco on top. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the cheese begins to brown.

Allow to cool for a few minutes before serving with sour cream, salsa, or anything else you would like!